Christy (Lignan University, Hong Kong)

Christy (Lignan University, Hong Kong)
My caring professors were always willing to offer help to those who needed it.


Lignan University, Hong Kong

"Whenever I scroll through pictures I took in Rotterdam during my exchange period in Erasmus University, I am struck by a strong feeling of sadness, as I miss the city so badly. Rotterdam is a relatively small city when compared with the city that I have been living in since birth. Yet Rotterdam’s cultural diversity and vibrancy always impressed me. I also felt warmly welcomed during my stay in the city. It was a pleasure to study at Erasmus University Rotterdam for a semester. Since EUR is an academically renowned institution, I was quite nervous and worried before the start of my semester. However, my caring professors were always willing to offer help to those who needed it. Other than enriching courses, EUR also provided exciting campus life for students. I particularly liked the idea of Open Air Cinema, which enabled me to sit in the public area and watch films with many fellow students. The campus was also well equipped with various facilities, such as a supermarket, a food court and a huge library. Directions to different buildings were clear as well, even for non-Dutch speaking students like myself. Besides, I was fortunate enough to rent a room in a two-person unit at Casa Erasmus before my arrival. Although it is off-campus, it was just a 15 minutes walk away from the campus, and the great view along the way was totally worth it. Other than my study and campus life, I also had a great time exploring Rotterdam and travelling in other European cities, thanks to Rotterdam’s superb geographical location. To conclude, I am very glad to have spent half a year as an exchange student in Rotterdam, where I met a lot of international friends and had many incredible experiences. It was definitely one of the best memories in my life!"

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