Wouter Heijveld
Wouter Heijveld (1962) is a technical writer in the Netherlands with a global Finnish engineering company, and an external researcher at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication.
The industrial organisation of the Dutch offshore and oil sector, and the impact of technology on shipping are his main fields of interest. Wouter has been trained as a marine engineer, and as such sailed the high seas, and studied social and economic at the Utrecht University. He was curator of modern shipping, navigation and shipbuilding in the Maritime Museum Rotterdam, where he organised and participated in more than thirty exhibitions on a broad range of maritime subjects. Wouter Heijveld is member of the editorial board of the New Maritime History of the Netherlands and secretary of the Dutch Journal of Maritime History.
Relevant publications
- R. Daalder and W. Heijveld (eds.), Havens van Amsterdam en Rotterdam sinds 1870 (Zutphen 2008)
- ’Change of technology: Has the ship’s navigator disappeared?’, Maritime People. The 9th North Sea history conference (Stavanger 2011), 162-175
- ’Van Damlijn tot Dam- en Dyklijn. De eerste vrachtlijndienst van de Holland-Amerika Lijn, 1899-1907’, in: Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis, nr. 21, 2 (2002)
- ’Pijpenleggers verbinden werelden’, in: Scheepshistorie. Het schaalmodel als reconstructie, nr. 20 (Emmen 2015), 70-91
- ’Het leven aan boord is wat men er van maakt - Vertier aan boord van Nederlandse passagiersschepen, 1896-1973’, in: Hoogtij. Maritieme identiteit in feesten, tradities en vermaak (Zutphen 2013), 87-95