Jeroen ter Brugge
Jeroen ter Brugge (1967), formally curator of the academic program at the Maritime Museum Rotterdam and currently curator of maritime collections at the Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam) is PHD-student at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communications, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
As a curator he is responsible for the maritime collections at the Rijksmuseum, consisting of the Navy Model Collection and a extensive collection of wreck finds originating from Dutch East-Indiamen, both in the broader context of Dutch History.
As a PHD-student he studies the Dutch (big) shipbuilding industry in the 19th and 20th Century (1870-1914) with the objective to analyze the slow recovery of the industry to one of the leading ship building countries This research project focuses on both economic, political, geographical and technical aspects. A by product of his research is the Dutch Shipyard Database, an digit encyclopedia containing diverse information on more than 1.500 shipyards since the early modern period.
He is author of several articles and books on maritime history with a focus on shipbuilding, fisheries, maritime archaeology and the final stage of the Dutch East-India Company.
Some recent publications
- With Arthur Credland and Harald Hamre (eds.); Maritime People – The 9th North Sea History Conference (Stavanger 2011)
- ‘Godvrezend en dankbaar : de visserman en zijn geloof ‘ en- ‘Van Vlaggetjesdag en shantykoor : volksfeesten met een nostalgische saus’, in: Noordzee : Nederlandse kustcultuur in woord en beeld, (Zutphen, 2012)
- ‘Onrust voor de storm : de kaping van de Gouden Roos in 1779’, in: Een behouden vaart? : de Nederlandse betrokkenheid bij kaapvaart en piraterij (=Leidschrift (Leiden University 2011)
- 'Observation made upon the Dutch Fishing' : Engelse visserij op Nederlandse leest geschoeid’, in: Nederland-Engeland: reflecties over zee (Zutphen, 2011)