Yijing Wang and Joep Hofhuis present at Fashion Revolution event on corporate social responsibility in the fashion industry

Fashion Revolution Week

Dr. Yijing Wang and Dr. Joep Hofhuis from the Department of Media and Communication will be speakers at the Fashion Revolution × EUR: How socially responsible are you really, fashion industry? during Fashion Revolution Week. The special lecture, initiated by IBCoM student and member of Fashion Revolution Lena Bäunker, will take place at Erasmus University in Mandeville T3-02 on 25 April at 16:00.

The lecture is organised in the name of Fashion Revolution, a global movement calling for greater transparency, sustainability and ethics in the fashion industry. During 23rd – 29th April, at the same time in which Rana Plaza collapsed in Bangladesh in 2013, Fashion Revolution runs a global campaign to encourage people to ask brands “Who made my clothes?”

In addition to Dr. Wang and Dr. Hofhuis' contributions, the event will also bring attendees live to Peru where Niek van Hengel, founder of Rotterdam-based ethical fashion company “Granny’s Finest”, is visiting his suppliers – from yarn manufacturers to sheep farmers. Via Skype, he will tell the audience more about his business and how Granny’s Finest is contributing to a fairer, more transparent fashion industry.

For more information, sign-up, and updates about the event, please go to the event page or the Facebook Event

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