What connects academic research with everyday life?

 What connects academic research with everyday life? During their studies, Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship students Marco Aperti and Erik Vermunt encountered a gap between the academic environment and everyday life, a disconnection between abstract theory and the real world. To bridge this gap they set out to converse with four PhD-students from the Arts and Culture department in the podcast series ‘Research in Reach’. 

Sharing an informal drink with these young, aspiring scholars, Marco and Erik aim to reveal the relatable side of research by prying into personal lives and understanding the abstract world of scholarship from a personal level. These trialogues are equal conversations about life and the considerations that come with it, helping us understand the practice of research beyond research jargon.

The podcast ‘Research in Reach’ is a series of 4 episodes and is published weekly by Culture Calling! Listen with Marco and Erik to the inspiring thoughts of Valeria Morea, Shirley Nieuwland, Aria Daga and Liesbeth De Strooper, and see the world of abstract studies through their eyes.In the first episode: PhD-student Valeria Morea on the role and uses of public space.

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