Van Sterkenburg in Nieuwsuur to talk about racism in football

Portrait picture of Jacco van Sterkenburg

The racist treatment of Excelsior footballer Ahmad Mendes Moreira by supporters of FC Den Bosch in a competition match in professional football last Saturday, November 16th, was a much discussed topic in Dutch and foreign news in recent days. This was not only about the behavior of the supporters, but also about the initially trivial reaction to the events of club and coach of FC Den Bosch.

Television programme Nieuwsuur paid extensive attention to it on November 18th. Associate professor Jacco van Sterkenburg was a guest in the studio to explain the events: (starting from the 6th minute).

The subject was also the focus of many national newspapers. Algemeen Dagblad and De Volkskrant, among others, paid attention to this topic. They draw on a recently published report on racism in professional football, published by Sterkenburg together with Agnes Elling of the Mulier Institute and Fiona Harmsen of Be.People (October 2019):

The news articles can be found here (in Dutch):

Algemeen dagblad
Racisme in het profvoetbal: ‘Ik vond een banaan in mijn tas na het douchen’

De Volkskrant
Racisme op het voetbalveld: openlijk en bedekt

Racisme sluimert altijd in de samenleving, dus ook in voetbal

‘Al ben je Johan Cruijff, als je discrimineert, krijg je van mij rood’

Nederlands dagblad
Zelfbeeld van Nederlanders over racisme is te positief

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