Submit your abstract for the workshop ‘Markets for applied arts, artistic crafts and design’

From 9 till 11 June 2022, Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC) will host the next workshop of the workshop series ‘Tools for the Future: Researching art market Practices from Past to Present’. For the workshop ‘Markets for applied arts, artistic crafts and design’, submissions are welcomed.

The workshop ‘Markets for applied arts, crafts and design’, hosted by Filip Vermeylen, Ellen Loots and Anne-Sophie Radermecker, aims to enlarge the perspective of arts market research and go beyond the contemporary emphasis on high-end markets for fine art by focusing on applied arts, artistic crafts and design. This workshop aims to examine the various implications in the supply, distribution, and consumption of applied arts, decorative arts, craftworks and design from those of the so-called fine arts. 

Submit your abstract

The organisation welcomes abstract submissions that address innovative methodologies to research these markets to highlight original forms of a.o. intermediation, entrepreneurship and business models, financing practices, “platformisation”, globalisation.

Submit an abstract of 300 words with a short biography to Filip Vermeylen ( and Adriana Turpin ( by 15 March 2022.

Tools for the Future: Researching art market Practices from Past to Present

Through individual presentations followed by group discussions, the successful international workshops series ‘Tools for the Future: Researching art market Practices from Past to Present’ aims at bringing together international scholars and professionals from different disciplines, periods of study and areas of practice of the art market to confront key issues and related methods that can be used to interpret, analyse and operate through the structures and principals of the art market.

Previous workshops were on art collectors (Montpellier, June 2018), the artist as an entrepreneur (Utrecht, December 2018), formation and development of new markets (London, June 2019) communication strategies (Rome, November 2019), legislation and legal structures (Ljubljana, September 2020) and financial practices (Paris, June 2021).

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