Guest edited by Vasiliki Tsagkroni (Leiden University, The Netherlands) and Amanda Alencar (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands).
Deadline for Abstracts: 1 September 2018
Deadline for Submissions: 15 December 2018
Publication of the Issue: May/June 2019
This thematic issue focuses on research at the crossroads of forced migration. Global forced displacements are bringing challenges and opportunities for communication between host and refugee communities on all cultural, social, political and economic levels. At the same time, the media is playing increasingly important roles in refugee situations around the world. As part of the discussion started during the Comparative Research Workshop on the European and Mediterranean Refugee ‘Crisis’ held at Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2017, this issue aims to further the debate on this topic and include research on different humanitarian and refugee crises across the globe (and their different discourses) and integration processes from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Comparative research approach
Media studies and communication sciences would largely benefit from a comparative research approach on different focuses, including (but not limited to) cross-national, cross-disciplinary (politics and media, humanitarian journalism, cultural identity and refugee migration, refugee economies and entrepreneurship-media business model, etc.), cross-cultural approaches (across different refugee and host community populations), as well as studies that address multi-actor perspectives (across different actors involved in refugee crises and integration processes) and methodologies (qualitative, quantitative and critical studies). This thematic issue welcomes submissions on the topics involving among others, media and public opinion, big data, humanitarianism, comparative framing and communication processes.
Professor Melissa Wall (California State University, USA) will conclude this thematic issue by offering a reflection on the presented research.
Instructions for Authors
Authors interested in submitting a paper for this issue are asked to consult the journal’s instructions for authors and to send their extended abstracts (about 500–600 words, with a tentative title and reference to the thematic issue) by email to the Editorial Office by 1 September 2018.
Open Access
The journal has an article processing charge to cover its costs, so authors are advised to check with their institutions if funds are available to cover open access publication fees. Further information about the journal’s open access charges and institutional memberships can be found here.
Click here for the link to the call for papers on the journal website.