Showcasing ESHCC educational innovation at the Comenius Festival 2022

Educational innovation undertaken by Dr. Delia Dumitrica (Media & Communication) and Dr. Naomi Oosterman (Arts & Culture) was recently showcased at the Comenius Festival 2022 in Nieuwegein.

Under the banner'The rocky road to innovation in higher education', the festival brought together the latest teaching and learning projects developed by members of the Comenius Network for educational innovation in and of higher education in the Netherlands.

On behalf of the team, Dr. Dumitrica showcased the digital learning modules for the teaching and learning of qualitative analysis developed at ESHCC. The educational innovation, funded through a 2021 Comenius Senior Fellowship awarded to Dr. Dumitrica and further supported through a CLI Innovation fellowship, will provide students with self-guided study materials that combine knowledge acquisition, learning-by-doing, expert feedback, and self-reflection. Furthermore, for each of the eight methods of qualitative analysis covered by the project, learning can take place incrementally during a program of study, as students can navigate between different difficulty levels.

The presentation sought to raise awareness on these digital resources and to inquire on interest from other higher education institutions to re-use and incorporate these modules in qualitative research courses.

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