Screening night shares stories of refugee resilience, challenges and motivations

On Saturday, February 26, we held a special screening night of the “Digital Place-makers program” at Kino Rotterdam.

Last year, the program called "Digital Place-makers" was developed as part of the Translocal Lives research project by Amanda Alencar, Camila Sarria-Sanz, Emma Verhoeven and Jaber Mawazini at Erasmus University Rotterdam. The research team worked together with 14 participants with a refugee background to find better ways to share their own perspectives on place-making and belonging in the Netherlands.

On Saturday (26), we screened the 11 films created and produced by the participants of the program. These amazing short films talk about their inspiring and unique stories focusing on challenges, resilience, motivations, becoming, trust and so much more...

For more information about the screening night and the stories, you can check out the website of Translocal Lives.

Besides this event, we are currently working on a field guide with the tools used during the program and key lessons learned from the co-participatory approach of this project. We hope that this material will be ready very soon! 

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