RMA student Eefje Smeulders presents Buma/Stemra report on gender inequality in music to MPs

A research master student in Sociology of Culture, Media and the Arts, Eefje fulfilled her research traineeship at copyrights collecting society Buma/Stemra, under supervision of Pauwke Berkers. The results were presented on Thursday 5 April at Nieuwspoort to members of parliament Kirsten van den Hul (PvdA) and Esther Ouwehand (PvdD).

As only 13% of its members are women, Buma/Stemra commissioned a study to examine this gender inequality. Based on 16 in-depth interviews, a large survey and a membership database, Eefje found, amongst many other things, that women music composers, writers and producers have a lower yearly income than their male counterparts do, more often experience not being taken seriously and are less satisfied about their work.

Several media outlets have written about the research and the recommendations, such as newspaper Trouw, 3voor12, and radio NPO1.

More information

The full report with all findings can be downloaded here.

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