RLK display case first step in collaboration with ESHCC

The Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet (RLK) and the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC) have taken the first step towards closer collaboration with the installation of a display case in the Van der Goot building. In the display case, the RLK will show a rotating collection, tailored to the disciplines of ESHCC-researchers and students. The next step in this exchange of inspiration will be a lecture program where ESHCC researchers present their work in an annual Leeskabinet-lecture.

The Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet owns over 250,000 books and magazines on the humanities and a rich collection of international fiction. An annual ESHCC-lecture is a good fit in the program of eight lectures on relevant historical and cultural themes that the RLK organizes annually.

The RLK display case was created on the initiative of Mohamed Abbadi. Mohamed studies IBACS and did his internship at the Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet. The display case is located on the seventh floor of the Van der Goot building. A selection from the Reading Without Borders collection is exhibited. Under this heading, the Leeskabinet collects international fiction in English translation, to introduce readers to each other's cultural hinterland through literature. This collection is constantly expanded with acquisition suggestions from students. Find the collection in the catalogue and e-mail the RLK with suggestions!

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