After a succesful reception since last November of Alex van Stipriaan’s book Rotterdam in Slavernij (Boom Publishers) he has now, together with prof. Gert Oostindie from Leiden University/KNAW-KITLV published a two volume edited work on cultural heritage in the Dutch Caribbean islands of Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire, Antilliaans Erfgoed, Toen en Nu & Nu en Verder (Leiden University Press).
This is one of the results of their NWO-project. Almost simultaneously was the presentation of a voluminous report Alex composed for the government –based on the sub-reports of three organizations– on the possibilities for and contents of a future National Slavery Museum in Amsterdam. Its title: With the Strenght of the Ancestors/Met de kracht van de voorouders, which can be downloaded from
If you are curious what Alex looks like these days, then tune in July 1 NPO-2, 22:20h for the national Keti Koti commemoration, where he will talk about Rotterdam’s slavery past as well as about the future slavery museum.