Nuisance and diversion routes due to bridge construction across pond between Library and E Building

pond covered with green lilly plants with in the middle a platform with students standing on it and talking

The renovation of Tinbergen Building has started. To allow heavy construction traffic for the renovation to move safely across campus, the contractor is constructing a bridge across the pond between the University Library (UL) and E Building between 24 February and 31 March. The construction of this bridge will cause noise and vibration nuisance for campus users. In addition, EUR will establish diversion routes to avoid closed paths.

Construction road

Construction traffic for the renovation of Tinbergen Building currently travels along a temporary construction road via Burgemeester Oudlaan to the building site on Institutenlaan. However, the most efficient and safest supply route is via the Kralingse Zoom, past the entrance at G Building. Construction traffic then travels via Sportlaan and the pond overpass to the building site, and back via the same road.

Noise and vibration nuisance

The temporary bridge will be about 54 metres long and 7 metres wide. Steel foundation piles will be pulsed into the ground to support the pond bridge. The construction of the bridge will cause noise and vibration nuisance several times a day from week 9 to week 14. We understand that this can be very annoying for campus users and hope the inconvenience will be kept to a minimum. Where possible, the pile driving will be scheduled around exams taking place in the Exam Centre. EUR will also monitor noise and vibrations to make sure they are within the set standards. Once the bridge is in place, noise nuisance from passing construction traffic is expected to remain limited.

Temporarily fewer study spaces available

During the renovation, safety zones have been set up in the University Library. For the UL, this affects 197 study spaces in the quiet zone. The study spaces are cordoned off with tape and are temporarily out of use. You can see which study spaces are available through our reservation system.

Why a bridge?

Despite the fact that the construction of a bridge will cause inconvenience to the surrounding area, research shows that it is the best and safest option for construction traffic to drive to the site. The original plan was to fill the pond, but this would cause more disruption and more risk to the monumental University Library, due to a heavier load on the pond wall. Moreover, filling the pond would mean that animals and plants could no longer live in the pond. Therefore, a bridge was chosen.

Alternative routes. Avoid delays, leave on time!  

During the pond works, the path between the pond and E Building will be closed. There is a diversion route along F Building and along the back of N and E Building. The diversion is clearly marked with yellow signs. EUR will set up a temporary crossing between F Building and the Exam Centre. When construction traffic passes here, you will have to wait for several minutes. There will be a traffic controller to manage this. So please make sure to leave on time if you need to be at the Exam Centre!

You can also take a different route to avoid the crossing, either via Kralingse Zoom and Erasmus Plaza or inside via Theil Building and K.P. van der Mandeleplein. See the map below for illustration.

plattegrond campus woudestein met alternatieve looproutes

Then you can use the lifts in the Plaza car park. Take lift 5 to car park deck -1 and leave the car park via the exit next to Hatta Building to follow alternative route 2 (in red).

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