For the sixth time, the department of Arts and Culture Studies will grant the Ton Bevers Award for Best Bachelor Thesis during the Bachelor graduation ceremony (4 October 2018).
The nine nominees are (drumroll):
- Kamilė Grušauskaitė
The symbolic meaning of vinyl records: Young collectors in the digital age
(supervisor: dr. Daniela Stocco)
- Vera Menezes
Cultural organizations and social inclusion of migrants: A fight against ethnocentric tendencies
(supervisor: dr. Daniela Stocco)
- Veronica Albio
Stimulating innovation in heritage collections: How public and private funds support digital museums
(supervisor: dr. Trilce Navarrete Hernandez)
- Bastiaan Gaoussou van Manen
Equal sounds: A study of the perceptions of hierarchy held by producers in a niche techno subgenre
(supervisor: dr. Marcel van den Haak)
- Elisa Mehto
“How did you make a tiger look that f*cked up?”: Motivations and symbolic boundaries behind ignorant style tattoos
(supervisor: dr. Marcel van den Haak)
- Greta Jakobsonaitė
Loyalty of festival attendees in the context of effective marketing
(supervisor: dr. Daniel Kaimann)
- Simona Deimantaitė
Survival of superstars: Empirical analysis of consumer preferences in on-demand music streaming
(supervisor: dr. Daniel Kaimann)
- Camila Martner Castillo
Motivations and perceptions of long stays backpackers and volunteers of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro
(supervisor: Siri Driessen, MA)
- Faridjee Narine
Effects of critics and word of mouth on theatre demand: Evidence from the Broadway theatres
(supervisor: dr. Daniel Kaimann)
About the prize
The award is named after emeritus professor Ton Bevers, one of the founders of Arts and Culture Studies in Rotterdam. The jury consists of:
- Prof.dr. Ton Bevers (chair)
- Shirley Nieuwland, MA
- Dr. Lenia Carvalho Marques
The jury will evaluate the theses based on (i) scientific relevance as well as significance for the field of arts and culture; (ii) theoretical excellence and methodological rigor, and (iii) innovative thinking and creative writing skills. In other words: a thesis which shows all that Arts and Culture Studies in Rotterdam has to offer.