New Lecturers and Researchers join the History Department

The Department of History welcomes seven new colleagues: four lecturers to teach in the International BA of History as well as in the Master History; two Postdocs in the frame of the LEaDing fellowship doing research for two years; and a PhD student who has received a Chinese Council Scholarship grant for one year. 

The new additions to our international staff will enhance international teaching courses on multiple levels this academic year, and will inspire our internationally oriented research program.

Below are their names to briefly introduce students, staff, and other interested parties to these new colleagues in the History Department. Their EUR contact details are already available through the Academic Staff page.


  • dr. Cecilia Biaggi

    Portrait of Cecilia Biaggi
  • dr. Zoltan Dujisin

    Portrait of Zoltan Dujisin

PhD Student

  • Mao Ruohan from the Zhejiang University, Hangzhou ZJU in China. He is an expert in Communication Design, Cultural Anthropology, Archaeology. His PhD project "Contextualizing Historical Heritage in Museums" focuses on the multidimensional information of objects, their historical background and the various narratives involved. Supervisors: Hester Dibbits (initiator) and Maria Grever.


  • Thomas Bottelier MA

    Portrait of Thomas Bottelier
    Roy Borghouts
  • dr. Mark Hay

    Portrait picture of Mark Hay
  • dr. Katy Hull

    Portrait of Katy Hull
    Roy Borghouts
  • dr. Liesbeth Rosen Jacobson

    Portrait of Liesbeth Rosen Jacobsen

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