Anna Mignosa with Ruth Towse and Trine Bille is the editor of ‘Teaching Cultural Economics’ a book published by Edward Elgar.
The development of the concept of cultural and creative industries; the effects of digitisation and, especially, internet; the role of information; the appearance of new intermediaries, new business models and new distribution channel; the importance of copyright profoundly transformed the cultural sector. All these changes stimulated a further development of cultural economics to tackle the new issues that followed.
The book provides a collection of 32 chapters written by academicians who are experts on topics that go from economics of public support for arts and cultural institutions to financing cultural production, from artists’ labour markets to consumer behaviour in the cultural sector; from digitization and copyright to various topics in economics of cultural and creative industries. The aim is to provide an updated overview of the topics that testify the changes the cultural sector is facing and the the opportunities and threats related to these changes.
The book is meant to be a support for teachers who are interested in including a course of cultural economics. It offers suggestions for further reading, classroom exercises and test or examination questions. It highlights the capacity of cultural economics to follow what happens in society, and the attempt to provide insights that can improve the ‘state of the arts’.
A preview of the book can be found at Edward Elgar Publishing.
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