Making the city more just: Website launch 'Learning for Equality in Rotterdam'

The website ‘Learning for Equality in Rotterdam’ is up. How do university students in Rotterdam engage with social inequalities in the city? What do we learn from their work? This website showcases rich answers to these questions with knowledge produced by students from different EUR programs.

Learning for Equality demonstrates knowledge generated by students EUR-wide. It seeks to engage EUR students themselves, their lecturers and other experts, as well as the wider Rotterdam community in a multidisciplinary discussion about real life local problems and efforts to fight them. Learning for Equality in Rotterdam illustrates that there is much to learn from students’ efforts to engage with and strive for social justice. In doing so, it inspires efforts to make Rotterdam a more just city.

Learning for Equality is part of the project “Communicating and improving students’ interdisciplinary engagement with social (in)justice,” funded by Erasmus University’s Community for Learning & Innovation (CLI) and sponsored by the Vital Cities and Citizens Erasmus initiative. The team behind the platform consists of Isabel Awad, Associate Professor at Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC) and Theme Lead Inclusive Cities & Citizens; Mariana Fried, PhD Candidate at ESHCC; and Wiebke Aepkers, Student Assistant at ESHCC.

On 13 October, a CLI bEURs event will take place about this new initiative. Additionally, a CLI podcast episode was recently dedicated to it.

More information

If you're interested in this initiative, visit the Learning for Equality in Rotterdam website.
Listen to the podcast episode about Learning for Equality on Spotify.

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