Lis Camelia and Palesa Mashigo guest on Feyenoord podcast "... Ken Je Dat Niet Horen Dan?"

Ken je dat niet horen dan podcast

ESHCC PhD candidates Lis Camelia and Palesa Mashigo were guests on the live Feyenoord podcast "... Ken Je Dat Niet Horen Dan?" (Can’t You Hear That?) at Theatre Walhalla in Rotterdam in April. During this broadcast, they discuss, among other things, what is needed to make football boards more reflective of society.

Lis and Palesa are researching diversity and inclusion in football, under the supervision of Prof Dr Jacco van Sterkenburg. Their goal is to make football more inclusive and bring about a change on the pitches, but especially in football boards. During the live show, Palesa mentions the MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) "A Guide to Diversifying and Transforming Football Leadership" she worked on with Jacco. With this, they give insight into their research and share experiences of people from the football world. Furthermore, the podcast looks for a suitable female Feyenoord director.

Curious about the conversation with Lis and Palesa? Listen to the podcast here. The PhD students are speaking from minute 38 onwards.

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PhD student
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Podcast "... Ken Je Dat Niet Horen dan?"

MOOC "A Guide to Diversifying and Transforming Football Leadership"

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