Launch Bloomsbury History: Theory & Methods

On November 10, 2021, the launch of the large online resource Bloomsbury History: Theory and Methods took place. This is an educational resource dedicated to historiography and the examination of historical theory and methods using a global approach.

After an online live demo of how the online resource works the editors, prof. Maria Grever from Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC) and prof. Stefan Berger (University Bochum), were interviewed during a webinar about the setup of the resource.

A lively discussion about the theory of history, diversity and multiperspectivity, and online education ensued. The discussion was followed by 81 people from all over the world.

In this large resource eight staff members of the ESHCC history department contributed with texts on, for instance, diaspora, experience, historical culture, immersive history, narrative templates, pleasurescapes: Robbert-Jan Adriaansen, Vincent Baptist, Ralf Futselaar, Maria Grever, Pieter van den Heede, Paul van de Laar, Gijsbert Oonk, and Tina van der Vlies. 



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