Hungarian ambassador visits IBCoM course Media & Politics for press conference experience

During a recent seminar class in the course Media & PoliticsOpens external the Hungarian Ambassador Andras Kocsis visited students from the Department of Media & Communication. Students were given the chance to listen and ask questions to a politician in a press conference format. Prior to the press conference the students received a press note from the Hungarian Embassy, titled "What lacks is a respectful and balanced discussion." The press note was identical to the note sent to media and journalists in the Netherlands after national elections in Hungary (April 2018). 

Media & Politics is a seminar course in the programme International Bachelor Communication and Media (IBCoM) and was taught this term by Dr. Noemi Mena Montes. In the course students learn about the interactions between media and politicians.

After a short speech by the ambassador, students had 45 minutes time to ask him questions about a number of topics, including Hungary and the European Union, Hungarian identity, democracy, the refugee crisis, the immigration policies, anti-semitism, and more.

Following the press conference students wrote a news report in which they focused on the way the main story or framing could be constructed. For this assignment, students were required to keep in mind the implications of writing such a report for media from different countries with different public and editorial lines (e.g. Hungarian Newspaper, Dutch Newspaper, Euro-skeptical newspaper, pro-european media).


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