Giulia Evolvi publishes article on religion and the internet

Dr. Giulia Evolvi ­(department of Media and Communication at the Erasmus School of History, Culture & Communication) has published an article in the journal for religion, society and politics. The article is titled “Religion and the internet: Digital religion, (hyper)mediated spaces, and materiality”.

The article springs from a (virtual) keynote that dr. Evolvi gave last summer at the ESA RN-14 Sociology of Religion conference in Groningen.

It discusses the approach of ‘digital religion’ and argues that this notion would theoretically benefit from a greater attention to materiality and space in relation to the study of digital technology. It presents the concept of (hyper)mediation as a theoretical lens to understand some characteristics of digital religion, also using some examples from religious leaders during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Dr. Giulia Evolvi
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Read the article by dr. Evolvi.

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