Launched at the beginning of 2021 Dr. Anna Mignosa and PhD candidate Marleen Hofland-Mol reflect on the first semester of CHARTER, the European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance. The alliance consortium, which strives to make apparent the value of cultural heritage and to create a resilient and responsive sector, succeeded in facilitating two online workshops, one in Riga and the second in Timisoara, where the first outlines for a conceptual matrix for Cultural Heritage were drawn.
This matrix aims to provides a perspective on the innovative and holistic landscape the cultural heritage sector consists of, making stakeholders’ role visible as they engage with cultural heritage, from communities to experts and from politicians to craftsman.
The matrix for Cultural Heritage will enable the CHARTER Alliance consortium to assess the sector dynamics and stakeholders’ synergies, to identify the professions and competences required, to design and propose education programs, to draw policy making recommendations, to foster quality provision of education and training for heritage practice and finally to inform the final skills alliance strategy for the sector.
Look at the recently launched the CHARTER website for more information. Or subscribe to the CHARTER newsletter to and stay updated on the latest developments.