The pan-European consortium European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Culture & Creativity appointed dr. Trilce Navarrete as one of the eight interim directors for their action programmes in the fields of education, creation, innovation, systems, and society. These programmes will contribute to the overall aim of EIT Culture & Creativity to house a sustainable ecosystem for European Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries connecting and collaborating 50 partners from 20 countries across Europe.
Dr. Trilce Navarrete is interim director of the action programme ‘Community Catalyser’. The Action Programme will support CCSI-driven innovation projects bridging communities, reducing inequalities, and strengthening social cohesion in Europe. Operating at different levels (European, regional, local) and environments (urban, suburban and rural areas), these will contribute to lowering barriers related to accessibility to cultural amenities, services or contents; and empowering individuals and communities at risk of exclusion to lead and actively participate in CCSI initiatives with positive impact on their lives and on the place they live in.

EIT Culture & Creativity
EIT Culture & Creativity is a pan-European public-private partnership of 50 excellent universities, research institutions, companies, investors, and associations relevant to all Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI) in 20 nations. The project is built around 5 challenges leading to 5 strategic objectives that are being operationalised in 10 action programmes.
The mission is to inspire and facilitate collaborative innovation in the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI), and to strengthen innovation and power Europe’s green and digital transformation. The activities will be run by 6 co-location centres across Europe.
Some of the EIT Culture & Creativity partners are University of Porto (Portugal), Goethe-Institut (Germany), Centre Pompidou (France), RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Cultuurloket (Belgium), and JKU - Johannes Kepler University (Austria).
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