Dr. Simone Driessen on the success of Frozen in Dutch newspaper NRC

Following the recent release of the sequel to Disney’s successful movie Frozen, NRC published a news article about the popular phenomenon. Why is this movie such a hit among very young fans (and their parents)? The newspaper reached out to Dr. Simone Driessen, researcher in the Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture (ERMeCC), to share her ‘fan-expertise’.

In the article, Dr. Driessen offers an explanation regarding the appealing 'brand' of the movie. “In Frozen, it’s not romantic love that is central, which is the case in most other Disney movies,” she shares. “It is not a story about a princess that is saved by a prince, but it’s two princesses protecting and standing up for each other as sisters. This makes it very empathic, because everyone has a sister, brother, or best friend that you would do the same for.” According to Dr. Driessen, this makes the movie more relatable to young kids compared to movies such as Aladdin, where romantic love is more prominent as the main theme.

The article also touches upon the "Let It Go" song and its role in the success of the movie. You can read the full article on NRC.nl

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