Dr. Payal Arora and Dr. Jason Pridmore presented at Data Justice Conference 2018

Nowadays, practically all communications, movements and relationships generate citizen data that can be systematically collected and used to profile individuals. This ongoing process of data collection and analysis can be described as ‘datafication’ of society. This process does not come without implications for social justice, including basic freedoms, ethics, governance and more. During the Data Justice Conference 2018, the relationship between the datafication of society and social justice were examined.

Presentation topics

Dr. Payal Arora and Dr. Jason Pridmore both presented at the conference. The topics of their presentations were:

  • Emerging databased democracies in China and India

by Payal Arora (Erasmus University, Rotterdam)

  • Visibilities in the city: Defining parameters for big data usage regarding vulnerable urban populations

by Jason Pridmore, Liesbet van Zoonen (Erasmus University) and Alessandro Bozzon (Delft University of Technology)

Research focus

In her research, Dr. Payal Arora examines digital cultures and social inequality. Dr. Jason Pridmore primarily focuses on practices of digital identification, surveillance practices, and digital security issues. 

If you wish to read more about what the Data Justice Conference 2018 entailed, please click here.

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