The article “The loyalty to pay TV in periods of economic difficulty in Mexico and Brazil” explores how socioeconomic status and level of education relate to the retention or change of media habits in periods of a stagnant or declining economy.
The study is focused on two of the most important markets in the Latin American region (i.e., Brazil and Mexico), which went through similar economic downturns, but different social experiences in recent years. Dr. Deborah Castro has co-authored this journal paper with Dr. Luiz G. Duarte (University of Central Florida, USA) and Prof. dr. Joseph Straubhaar (The University of Texas at Austin, USA).
The researches have used survey data from Kantar Media’s Target Index (TGI) Latina service —the most extensive market study in the region— and qualitative data from a second online survey conducted through eCGlobal online panel have been analyzed. Data reveals that the rush to cancel cable or satellite television services did not occur at the high rates expected and were not remarkably influenced by social class, as they were by education factors.
The full article is available in English at “ Comunicación y Medios en Iberoamérica”.