Dr. Deborah Castro co-authors a book chapter on binge-watching and everyday life


Dr. Deborah Castro (department of Arts & Culture Studies at Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication) co-authored a book chapter on binge-watching and everyday life, in the book 'Binge-watching and contemporary television studies'.

‘Binge-watching’ has become an umbrella term for a number of analytical questions in contemporary television studies, serving to describe the structure, marketing and publication model of Netflix and other streaming platforms. The book Binge-watching and contemporary television studies edited by Mareike Jenner (Anglia Ruskin University) offers a holistic exploration of binge-watching from the perspectives of fan studies, audience research, transnational television studies and narratology. In her chapter dr. Deborah Castro, in co-authorship with Prof. dr. Lothar Mikos (Filmuniversity Babelsberg), discusses how young adult viewers in Germany and in the Netherlands integrate their binge-watching practices into their everyday lives.  

The book has been published by Edinburgh University Press.

Dr. Deborah Castro Marino

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