Dr. Daniel Trottier to present at workshop "The Policing of Trolling, Hate, and Lies Online" in London

Today (15 May 2018) Dr. Daniel Trottier will be presenting his research at the workshop "The Policing of Trolling, Hate, and Lies Online" in London. The workshop is organised by Medi@4Sec, which is a European Commission project that includes Utrecht University and TNO as partners.

The workshop

"Trolling- the targeting of social media users with defamatory and antagonistic messages – has grown alongside the popularity of social media platforms. It takes multiple forms: cyberbullying, cyberhate, cyberstalking, cyberharassment, revenge porn, sextortion, flaming and naming and shaming to name a few. Cyber-vigilantism is the related practice of punishing, sometimes by making visible, people who break norms or laws. In some contexts trolling and cyber-vigilantism are sponsored, with organized groups representing political agents (sometimes even national governments) who use aggressive and defamatory language (and misinformation?) to counter and harass those who criticize others viewpoints. Some trolls follow up their online abuse with offline aggression. This workshop will explore a number of key questions related to the implications of trolling and hate crime on public security and policing." For the full description, please go here

Dr. Trottier

At the workshop, which aims to create a common agenda for the policing of trolling, Dr. Trottier will be presenting his research on digital vigilantism. In the context of this workshop, his expertise is categorised in the area of the influence of organically formed online groups who crowdsource knowledge and resources for counter-trolling efforts. For more information about Dr. Trottier's research focus, please visit his personal page. Personal page

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