On April 29th, Dr. Amanda Paz Alencar has officially started a visiting research fellowship at the Refugee Studies Centre (RSC), University of Oxford, where she will spend the next 2 months developing and extending her research project "Digital Integration and Forced Migrations: Towards an ICT-based Approach to Refugee Inclusion within and beyond the West."
The project aims to examine interdependent vulnerabilities with and potentials for digital responses to refugee settlement experiences. This research is based on a twofold set of empirical research contexts, specifically (1) the refugees experiencing integration and, (2) the landscapes of power involved in the integration process. Specifically, Dr. Amanda aims to look at the interactions between individual and contextual forces and relations of power shaping developments, uses and implementation of technologies in refugee integration settings. She will be working with Dr. Ali Ali on a paper deriving from this project.
During her stay at the RSC, Dr. Amanda will present the latest outcomes of her research at the public seminar series to be hosted in the department on May 14th.
Visiting Fellowships at the RSC are open to PhD (DPhil) students, post-doctoral scholars and professional academics researching aspects of forced migration. The main purpose of the Visiting Fellowships programme is to enhance the academic work (research and teaching) of the RSC by mutual exchange and learning. Admission to the Visiting Fellowships programme is competitive and places available each term are limited.
Please visit this page for more about visiting research fellows during Trinity term.