Dissertations by Simone Driessen and Janna Michael longlisted for Boekman Dissertation Prize

The dissertations by Dr. Simone Driessen and Dr. Janna Michael have been longlisted for the 4th Boekman Dissertation Prize for Art, Culture and Policy. The Boekman Foundation (institute for arts, culture and related policy) presented 74 selected dissertations earlier, and recently announced the 14 longlisted PhD researches on their website. The prize focuses on dissertations from 2015, 2016, and 2017 from Dutch universities within a field connected to the Boekman Foundation.

Three winners of The Boekman Dissertation Prize will receive € 10.000,-. Additionally, the thematic magazine of the Boekman Foundation will focus on the theme of the winning dissertations in one of its upcoming editions.

The affordances of repackaged popular music from the past

Simone Driessen's dissertation is titled "The affordances of repackaged popular music from the past" and focuses on the value and meaning of mainstream popular music from the past in later life. The PhD research considers musical reunions and continuations as a means to ‘repackage’ popular music from the past. Moreover, this research is interested in why people (still) attend a (reunion-) concert from a band that was popular when they were teens, and what it affords these audiences to (still or not) be a fan of a band they discovered in their childhood or adolescence. For more information, please visit the project page.

Negotiating normalcy and difference: discourses on cultural taste and symbolic boundaries

Janna Michael's dissertation is titled "Negotiating normalcy and difference: discourses on cultural taste and symbolic boundaries" and looks at changes in cultural hierarchies. How is status distinction practiced and negotiated a while cultural hierarchies and symbolic meanings are changing? The  research investigates how different status rendering criteria such as ‘high’ and ‘lowbow’ taste, authenticity, openness, and novelty are negotiated and organized among different social groups. For more information, please visit the project page.

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