COVID-19’s impact on environmental movements: Dr. Delia Dumitrica co-authors new study on the Fridays for Future

Portrait of Delia Dumitrica

As the COVID-19 pandemic galvanized the public opinion, environmental movements had to quickly adapt their message in order to stay relevant and further mobilize support for the cause. 

Together with Dr. Giuliana Sorce from the Institute of Media Studies, Eberhard Karls University (Tübingen, Germany), Dr. Delia Dumitrica (Media & Communication, ESHCC) examined how Fridays for Future national collectives across the European Union re-framed their communication under the impact of the pandemic.

The study entitled #fighteverycrisis: Pandemic Shifts in Fridays for Future’s Protest Communication Frames was recently published in the peer reviewed journal Environmental Communication. If interested in how this youth environmental movement has adapted and reframed its message, while also  mobilizing for digital action, the full article (open access) can be accessed via


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