Call for contributions: Historians’ Days 2022

A new call for contributions for the Historians’ Days 2022 has opened. Submit your contribution and discuss the meaning of History Beyond Borders with us! The Historians’ Days are a biennial encounter that demonstrate the diversity and dynamics of doing history.

The Historians’ Days are jointly organized by the Royal Netherlands Historical Society (KNHG) and the History Department of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). They are meant for everyone interested in history, professionally or otherwise. Through a wide spectrum of lectures, debates and workshops, the Historians’ Days tackles issues and challenges on the frontline of historical research and public debates. Keywords of the conference include networking, inspiration, orientation, career and relaxation. The Historians’ Days 2022 evolve around the theme of History Beyond Borders.


Share your expertise, projects and ideas and submit them before 1 February 2022. A contribution can be submitted individually or on behalf of a (research)group or organization. Young historians are particularly invited to submit a proposal. A contribution to the Historians’ Days 2022 can take three forms: Spreading the News SessionsOpinions without Borders and Crossing Border Sessions.

Important information

  • You can submit your proposal from 1 November 2021 to 1 February 2022.
  • You can submit your proposal individually, or as a group or institution.
  • Collaboration between historians from different backgrounds are preferred.
  • Innovative forms of presentations are encouraged.
  • You can only submit your proposal via the established link, emails with proposals are not considered.
  • All speakers have to register as participants and should pay the registration fees.

The program committee will reach out about the proposals after the new call has closed. The committee can decline a contribution or ask for adjustments.

On the website of the Historians’ Days, you’ll find the link to submit contributions, an explanation about the three forms of contributions, the programme, practical information, the registrations fees, and more!

More information

Visit the website of the Historians’ Days.

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