On December 8th, EHSCC PhD candidate and lecturer Arne van Lienden was awarded Best Paper Award from Emerging Scholar at the ECREA conference “Transnational Families and Media Practices: methods, ethics, and critical approaches” hosted by the Media and Communication department at Erasmus University together with ECREA's International and Intercultural Communication section, and Diaspora, Migration and the Media section.
The award, which is supported by publisher SAGE, was presented for the paper “From studio to screen: production processes in Polish televised football and discursive (re)constructions of race/ethnicity”. This paper was written as part of Arne’s PhD project, supervised by Jacco van Sterkenburg and Melodine Sommier.
From Thursday December 7th to Saturday December 9th, a large international group of scholars gathered in Rotterdam for the ECREA conference “Transnational Families and Media Practices: methods, ethics, and critical approaches”. Among them were a group of scholars associated to the ESHCC. The local organization team consisted of ESHCC staff members David Ongenaert, Isabel Awad Cherit, Amanda Paz Alencar and Jacco van Sterkenburg, and the conference saw keynotes and presentations from multiple researchers associated to the ESHCC.

As part of the conference a Best Paper Award session was held, in which Koen Leurs and Phillip Seuferling were awarded in the category of established scholars. Arne van Lienden was awarded the Emerging Scholar Best Paper Award for a paper he has co-written with Melodine Sommier, Radoslaw Kossakowski and Jacco van Sterkenburg. The paper focuses on the production process of televised football in Poland, and how these production processes and work routines pertain to the (re)production of discourses surrounding race/ethnicity.
For this paper, Arne has conducted interviews with Polish football media professionals and has done participant observations at various Polish football media organizations. The paper was part of the recently finalized Vidi-project How racist is televised football and do audiences react? (2018-2023) led by Jacco van Sterkenburg. At the conference, a panel was held with some of the key researchers that were part of the project: Carmen Longas Luque, Melodine Sommier (University of Jyväskylä), Arne van Lienden and Jacco van Sterkenburg.
- Researcher