Amanda Paz Alencar interviewed by the LDE Governance of Migration and Diversity Centre

Amanda Paz Alencar has been interviewed by the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) Governance of Migration and Diversity Centre (GMD) as part of a recent collaboration between GMD and ESHCC in the framework of the LDE initiative. 

Amanda Paz Alencar is an associate professor at the Department of Media and Communication and investigates the digital lives of different migrant populations, particularly asylum seekers, and how that shapes their understanding of place, their processes of belonging, how they rebuild their lives, how they socialize, and how all these inadvertently shape their aspirations. 

In the interview, Paz Alencar speaks about the necessity of including technology in the conversation about integration and migration: "I cannot see the ways in which we can study migration without reflecting on the impacts of media technologies. With technological advancements going so fast, we really need to think about how migration is being shaped by these developments."

Blind spots for migration scholars
Paz Alencar states that migration studies needs more research that bridges, especially considering technological advancements. "When focusing on contemporary migration processes, there is an urgent need to create more bridges between different disciplines."

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