On the 12th of April, the Centre for Historical Culture organises a research meeting with Prof.dr Shinobu Majima, on researching Japan's socio-economic policy in occupied Singapore during World War II
About the research
During her presentation, prof.dr. Shinobu Majima will talk about the activities of the Chōsabu, a research department that was established by the Japanese Military Administration in Singapore during World War II.
Singapore during World War II saw the Japanese Military Administration set up a research department, the Chōsabu, to conduct socio-economic policy. The academics from the Institute of East Asian Economies (IEAE) at the Tokyo University of Commerce were dispatched to produce reports on population, living standards, rationing, factory labour, and food production. Having been disregarded at the beginning in 1943, their reports slowly gained confidence of the high rank officials who formulated social and economic policies. This paper discusses the Chōsabu researchers and their place in the military administration of Singapore and in the history of Japanese economic thought.
About Prof.dr. Shinobu Majima
Shinobu Majima is a professor of Economic History at Gakushuin University (Japan), and currently a visiting fellow at the Oxford Centre for Global History of the University of Oxford. She also held a position as a researcher at the Institute of Economic Research at Hitotsubashi University, the postwar successor of the IEAE, the Institute of East Asian Economies.
Practical information
Time: Thursday 12 April, 2018: 15:00-16:30 hrs
Place: Polak-building, Campus Woudestein, Room Polak 3-14