
Tourism, Culture and Society
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Tourism, Culture and Society

Promising candidates who do not meet all entry requirements, can apply for the one-year pre-master Arts and Culture Studies. This preparatory programme offers three specialisations corresponding with our master specialisations: Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship, Arts, Culture and Society, and Tourism, Culture and Society.

Bridging the knowledge gap

During the pre-master programme, you will enrol in selected courses at the undergraduate level. You will become acquainted with key concepts within sociology, heritage studies, economics, cultural theory and the globalisation of culture. After a successful completion of the pre-master, you will have all the knowledge you will need to meet the requirements of the master specialisation Tourism & Culture & Society. Students who successfully finish the pre-master will have direct access to the master specialisation.

Developing analytical skills

In the pre-master, you will be educated as an academic professional. All of the pre-masters focus on writing essays and articles and on conducting social scientific research. At the end of the pre-master year, you can put your newly gained research skills and knowledge to good use when you write your final paper, a Bachelor thesis.

Duration of the programme

The pre-master takes one year (45 EC). It may under certain circumstances take two years to complete. You are required to complete several crucial courses at the Bachelor’s level. There are also courses designed specifically for the pre-master.

Those who complete the pre-master will not receive a diploma but a certificate of admission to the related master specialisation.

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