ESHCC MentorMe

The bridge between student life and working life
Students sitting on a bench on campus and chatting with each other

Don’t wait until graduation to start thinking about your future career! 

Do you want to prepare yourself for the job market by talking to a professional who has been in your shoes, shares the experience of attending Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC), and is a few steps ahead of you?

Then sign up for the alumni-student mentoring programme MentorMe. Interested? Keep on reading!  

About ESHCC MentorMe

ESHCC MentorMe is an online platform that connects current students and alumni from Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication through mentoring. It is designed to develop voluntary, one-on-one relationships with ESHCC alumni to share knowledge and engage in mutual learning. 

After a successful pilot, the ESHCC MentorMe programme will be officially launched on Monday 3 March 2025

Mentoring season 

The ESHCC MentorMe programme is extra-curricular (not compulsory) and runs from March up and until August 2025. All current ESHCC master students can sign up to participate in the mentoring programme. An evaluation will follow at the end of the mentoring season. 

Why join?

ESHCC MentorMe offers you a unique opportunity to get in contact with former students from ESHCC to learn more about their career experiences and to gain insights into potential roles/industries. 

  • Explore potential careers
  • Gain tailored career advice
  • Get tips on entering the job market
  • Increase your professional network
  • Boost your self-confidence

  • Give the next generation the advice you wish you had received
  • Boost your interpersonal relationships and coaching skills
  • Gain access to fresh ideas, new ways of thinking and a pool of potential internship/job applicants

How does it work?

  1. Register as a student (mentee) by completing the registration form below. You can register as of the beginning of the academic year, but the ESHCC MentorMe programme will officially start on Monday 3 March 2025.
  2. After registration, you will receive an invitation to create an account on the MentorMe platform. Make sure your profile is ready before the start date of the mentoring programme; only with an activated account you can connect with alumni (mentors) whose education, interests and career path closely match yours. 
  3. After finding the right mentor on the MentorMe platform, you can send a request for an online consultation call. 
  4. The ESHCC MentorMe programme starts on Monday 3 March 2025. From this date until the end of the mentoring season, you can approach alumni for an online consultation call on the MentorMe platform.
  5. Please note that the mentoring season will end in August 2025. After that time, ESHCC alumni are not officially available anymore for online consultation calls through the MentorMe platform. 

Are you looking for tailored career advice and/or do you want to expand your professional network? 

Then fill in the form below! 

Sign up for the MentorMe programme

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