Student advisors

For specific questions and advice regarding the study programme, study planning, personal circumstances, studying with a functional impairment etc., students can contact the student advisors, on a confidential basis.

Mark te Braake

Mark te Braake

Student Advisor History (Bachelor) & Student advisor Exchange (Media and Communication)

For short questions, please send an e-mail to

If you would like to schedule an appointment (via Microsoft Teams), please send me an email too with a brief description of your question or situation and a few options for a date and time. 

Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (morning).

Portret Ingrid Wesselink

Ingrid Wesselink

Student Advisor Arts & Culture Studies (bachelor)

For short questions, please send an e-mail to

If you would like to schedule an appointment, please send me an email with a brief description of your question and a few options for a date and time. You can as well make an appointment here.

Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (morning), Thursday

Portrait picture of Eveline Stoker

Eveline Stoker

Student Advisor IBCoM

For short questions, please send an e-mail to

If you would like to schedule an appointment (through Microsoft Teams), please send me an email via with a brief description of your question. 

Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. 

Student Advisor (Pre)Master Programmes Media Studies, History & Arts and Culture Studies

Ruben van Gaalen

Ruben van Gaalen

For short questions, please send an e-mail to

If you would like to schedule an appointment, please send me an email too with a brief description of your question and a proposal for a specific time and date. 

Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 

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  • @title

    • Duration: @duration
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