LinkedIn tips

LinkedIn tips

LinkedIn is a powerful platform used by both job seekers and organisations looking for talent. Below, we share some tips for optimising your LinkedIn profile.

  • The more sections you fill in, the better. LinkedIn measures how complete your profile is and shares the most complete profiles first with firms searching for candidates
  • Your photo is more important than you might think. Research concluded that those people who have clear, professional photos are more likely to be considered for job interviews and jobs than those who have vague, unprofessional pictures. You can also consider installing a background picture to emphasise your profile even more
  • Write an attractive headline. Use this space to showcase your specialty, your value proposition or your ‘so what?’. Highlight what sets you apart from others
  • Grow your network steadily. It is not necessary to have a network of a million people, but if your network is as small as 50 people, it shows you’re probably not very active on the platform or you are not very motivated to put effort in building a professional network
  • Be active – log in at least 3 times a week to see what is happening. Inactive users miss job opportunities as LinkedIn’s algorithm automatically suggests only active users to recruiters
  • If you can, share your own content. If your blog posts or other published articles catch people’s eyes, you might gain attention of recruiters or organisations

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