Erasmus University Rotterdam has purchased some works from Anouk Griffioen. Her work was shown during the exhibition 'Natur' in 2018 in the Erasmus Gallery. She also worked on new drawings in the Gallery in that same period.

The artist Anouk Griffioen brings together different landscapes and subjects in monumental charcoal drawings.
"A figure often creates a barrier between the picture and the viewer, who becomes a voyeur, standing outside. Instead, I want the viewer to be the figure."
She creates a world into which the viewer can easily disappear. In her art, she addresses the conflict between man and nature, city and landscape and the ever-expanding growth of the cities that compromises the quality of life. By bringing vegetation back into the cultivated environment, Griffioen appeals to our deep-rooted longing for nature. It is the place to leave the beaten track, and come to new insights. Sporadically, a human shape seems to dissolve into the background. However, the figures never become explicit. It seems hard to believe that the enormous drawings are made with charcoal. 'How is it made?'
Anouk Griffioen