Programme overview

Health Sciences
Student Research Master Health Sciences

The Master programme in Health Sciences aims to provide students with a thorough understanding of methods in either clinical or public health research. Majors include clinical epidemiology, epidemiology, public health epidemiology, genomic & molecular epidemiology, biostatistics and health decision sciences & technology assessment. After completion, candidates will have the knowledge, understanding and skills to propose state-of-the-art studies, write excellent study protocols, perform the research, analyze the data using modern statistical techniques, make defensible causal inferences, come to justified conclusions, and write outstanding research papers. Depending on the choice of major, the candidate will focus on for example clinical trials, population studies, public health interventions, or modeling studies. 

Learning objectives MSc in Health Sciences

  1. The student has knowledge about quantitative methods and the ability to apply this knowledge in preparing, performing, analyzing and interpreting research. 
  2. The student understands core concepts of etiologic (causality), prognostic, diagnostic, prevention, and intervention research. 
  3. The student has knowledge of regulations and ethical rules applicable to the fields of clinical and public health research, and is able to apply this knowledge.  
  4.  The student is able to translate a problem in the area of (clinical) epidemiology, public health, health care and/or clinical practice into a scientific research question. 
  5. The student is able to translate a scientific research question in the area of (clinical) epidemiology, public health, health care and/or clinical practice into a research protocol and/or proposal, choosing appropriate methodology for the specific setting and (patient) population. 
  6. The student is able to conduct a systematic literature search of a clinical or public health issue and is able to critically assess the literature. 
  7. The student is able to write a draft manuscript, based on a subject in the area of (clinical) epidemiology, public health, health care and/or clinical practice. 
  8. The student is able to present the research findings in an engaging way for a broad academic audience. 
  9.  The student is able to critically review and assess the relevance of their own scientific results. 
  10. The student is able to collaborate with (international) co-investigators in order to set up and conduct a research project, to collect data, and to analyse these data to draw conclusions. 
  11. The student is able to respond to criticism in a constructive and productive manner. 
  12. The student engages in personal and professional development. 


Please see below for information about the major within this Master Programme. Whether a major is offered full-time or part-time, is indicated accordingly. Read more about the majors here

Clinical EpidemiologyFull-timePart-time
Genomic & Molecular EpidemiologyFull-timePart-time
Health Decision Sciences & Technology AssessmentFull-timePart-time
Public Health EpidemiologyFull-timePart-time

Curriculum Overview

Research Master in Health Sciences – 70 EC points – 2024 - 2025
CalendarCourse codeCourseEC
Fall 2024CK001Review of Mathematics and Introduction to Statistics1,0
Fall 2024CK010Study Design4,0
Fall 2024CK020Biostatistics I4,5
Fall 2024CK030Biostatistics II4,5
Fall 2024CK040Clinical Epidemiology3,0
Fall 2024CK050Principles of Public Health3,0
Fall/winter 2024-2025CK060Selected Topics in Epidemiology3,0
Fall 2024CK070Core competences exam1,0
Winter-spring 2025LLS01Scientific Writing in English for Publication2,0
Fall 2024-Jul 2025LLS04Portfolio0,2
Fall 2024-Jul 2025LLS05Intervision0,4
Fall 2024-Jul 2025REMA01This Thing Called Science1,3
Fall 2024LLS07Intercultural Communication0,2
Fall 2024-Jul 2025M-RESResearch28,7
Jan 2025-Aug 2026 Elective courses*13,2
TOTAL EC points70,0

* Students are allowed to exceed the amount of elective EX points by max 1.4 EC

This programme runs from September 2024 until August 2025 and can be followed part-time.
Note that some courses need to be followed in a specific order as earlier courses are prerequisites for later courses

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