Medicine students nominated for Student of the Year

An election organized by Studium Generale and Erasmus Magazine

‘Students who have committed themselves in a special way in the past year’. Erasmus Magazine and Studium Generale are looking for Erasmus University’s ‘Student of the Year’. Fleur, Emma and Mohammed, medicine students, nominated. You can vote as of today!

Vote here!

Every year, EM and SG organizes the ‘Student of the Year’ election for EUR students. This year, three medical students have been nominated.

Buddy program

Fleur and Emma, both Medicine students, started a buddy program after the attack on Erasmus MC last September. They heard that students were afraid to return to the Education Center and wanted to help by pairing freshmen with older students who were already familiar with Erasmus MC.

Read more about it here: Fleur and Emma helped first-year students after the shooting at Erasmus MC – Erasmus Magazine

Commitment to advocating for Palestine

Mohammed, first year Medicine, is a Palestinian refugee who is committed to helping victims in Gaza. He shares a lot of information about the situation there to tell fellow students about what is going on.

Read more about it here: Mohammed advocates for Palestine: ‘It makes no sense for me to live a normal life while my loved ones are being killed’ – Erasmus Magazine


A jury reviews the entries and selects five students who will advance to the public round. Online ballots opened today. Along with the online votes and the votes during the live show on May 29, the Student of the Year will be chosen.


The Student of the Year gets to wear this title for a year and wins a sum of money to donate to charity.

Read more about the election and the other nominees on EM’s website or click here.

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