
Diversiteit & Inclusie

Dit collegejaar is het Diversiteits- en Inclusieplatform van Erasmus School of Law gestart met het samenstellen van een kalender met verschillende culturele, feest- en herdenkingsdagen. Hiermee hopen we dat onze faculteit kan bijdragen aan het creëren van een inclusieve (studeer)plek en inclusief bewustzijn voor alle studenten en medewerkers. Heb je het idee dat wij in de kalender een belangrijke dag hebben overgeslagen of heb je een opmerking over de uitleg die wij bij een dag geven? Schroom niet om met ons (team Diversiteit & Inclusie van Erasmus School of Law) contact op te nemen via diversityesl@law.eur.nl, want wij leren ook graag van jou. 

End of Kwanzaa | New Year's Day | World Braille Day
Bodhi Day | National Day of Attention for Bullying People with a (Mild) Intellectual Disability
International Day of Education | Day of the Endangered Lawyer | International Holocaust Remembrance Day
National Holocaust Commemoration
World Hijab Day | World Cancer Day
Zero Tolerance Day | Laylat Al Miraj
Chinese New year | International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Carnaval | International Epilepsy Day | End of carnaval
Valentine's Day | Parinirvana Day
World Day for Social Justice | European Day for Victims of Crime
Magha Puja | Laylat al Bara'at
Remembrance Day of the February Strike | Rare Disease Day
Women of Colour Day | World Obesity Day
International Women's Day | Maha Shivaratri
Laetare Sunday | Ramadan
International Day of Happiness | International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination | World Down Syndrome Day
Fast of Esther | International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations
Palm Sunday | Purim
Holika Dahan | International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Holi | Maundy Thursday
Good Friday | Easter | International Transgender Day of Visibility
Easter | Laylat al-Qadr
Chaitra Navrati | World Autism Day | World Health Day
End of Ramadan | Eid al-Fitr | End of Eid al-Fitr
World Parkinson Day | Rama Navami | End of Chaitra Navrati
Yom HaShoah | National Day against Bullying
Passover Seder | Pesach / Passover
Hanuman Jayanti | Theravada New Year
King's Day | World Day for Safety and Health at Work
End of Pesach / Passover
Worker's Day | World Press Freedom Day
Remembrance of the Dead | Liberation Day
Ascension Day | Europe Day | Mother's Day
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia | Pentecost
Vesak | Lag BaOmer
World MS Day
Tourette's Awareness Day | Shavuot
Father's Day | Neurodiversity Pride Day | Day of Arafah
Eid al-Adha | International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict | End of Eid al-Adha
World Refugee Day | World ALS Day
Pink Saturday | Veteran's Day
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking | International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
Keti Koti | National Commemoration for the Abolition of Slavery
National Commemoration of Srebrenica | Ashura
National Commeration of the MH17 Disaster | World Day for International Justice | Dharma Day
Summer Carnaval | End of Summer Carnaval
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
Tisha B'Av | International Lefthanders Day
National Indies Commemoration | Never Give Up Day
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition | Arba'een
Krishna Janmashtami
International Day of Jewish Culture | Ganesh Chaturthi
International Literacy Day | World Suicide Prevention Day
International Day of Democracy | Mawlid an-Nabi
Pitru Paksha | International Day of Peace | World Alzheimer's Disease Day
Celebrate Bisexuality Day | World Day of the Deaf | World Contraception Day
International Safe Abortion Day
Rosh Hashanah | End of Pitru Paksha | Navaratri
National Commemoration of the Bijlmer Disaster | End of Rosh Hashanah | Fast of Gedaliah
International Lesbian Day | National Day for Mental Health
National Coming Out Day | Kol Nidre
Yom Kippur | Vijayadashami | End of Navaratri
Sukkot | International Pronouns Day
International Stuttering Awareness Day | Simchat Torah
Shemini Atzeret | End of Sukkot | Intersex Awareness Day
All Saints' Day | Diwali
Transgender Parent Day | All Souls' Day
Intersex Day of Solidarity | World Freedom Day
World Science Day for Peace and Development | Saint Martin's Day
World Diabetes Day | International Student's Day
International Men's Day | Transgender Day of Remembrance
Srefidensi Day | International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
World Aids Day | International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
International Day of Persons with Disablilities | Sinterklaas
Pansexual Pride Day | International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime
Human Rights Day | Gita Jayanti
Purple Friday | International Migrants Day
Pancha Ganapati | Christmas Eve
Christmas Day | End of Pancha Ganapati | Hanukkah
Second Christmas Day | Kwanzaa | New Year's Eve

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