Elective courses

Students from other faculties or universities

  1. Please look on the Courseguide too see which courses you would like to take at the Erasmus School of Philosophy. You can follow courses from Bachelor 1 and 2. Would you like to follow courses from Bachelor 3 or the Master? Then contact the study advisor (studyadvisor@esphil.eur.nl). 
  2. Always ask the Examination Board of your complementary programme for permission, even if you wish to take the course as extra-curricular.
  3. Send the proof of permission of the Examination Board of your complementary programme to the study advisor of Erasmus School of Philosophy (studyadvisor@esphil.eur.nl).
  4. You will receive more information about your enrollment as an elective student at Erasmus School of Philosophy by email. 

Students from the Erasmus School of Philosophy


Students of the bachelor Philosophy (in Dutch)

All information is available on the Dutch page.

Student of the Bachelor in Philosophy of a Specific Discipline

It is not possible to take elective courses from other programmes or universities in the Bachelor in Philosophy of a Specific Discipline.


Study advisor: Fenna Deinum

Email address
Bayle Building

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  • @title

    • Duration: @duration
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