Next to the classes, you will be doing ‘non-mainstream’ activities, such as site-visits to a mosque
Sevgi Yilmaz
Alumna Governance of Migration and Diversity (Public Administration)
There is so much more to achieve than just a diploma when studying this programme. Studying Governance of Migration and Diversity at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Leiden University, ISS and TU-Delft has widened my perspective. It has made me realize the importance of being critical towards topics such as diversity and migration, in this day and age.
My choice for this master programme derived from my interest in migration and diversity. As a Turkish and Kurdish woman living in the Netherlands, these two topics are close to my heart. This master has enabled me to think critically, and made me view topics in a different way. A great example is my master thesis on Ethnic Profiling and Police-youth Relations.
I think that the best word to describe this program is ‘’excellence’’. With an amazing staff, this programme provides really interactive and high quality classes, informal meetings with students and teachers and a diversity of thoughts. It offers a fantastic blend of amusement, learning and integration of enduring principles. It provides a wide scope of knowledge and you get to learn something new with every subject.
Studying GMD will give you an amazing life experience. Next to the classes, you will be doing ‘non-mainstream’ activities, such as site-visits to a mosque. During my time at EUR I have developed close friendships with kind and intelligent people from around the world.
Studying this programme enabled me to think from different perspectives, such as from a sociological, historical or developmental point of view. This interdisciplinary approach was useful in my former jobs as Academic Tutor at EUR and my work for IMISCOE. Currently, I can use those diverse perspectives for my job as trainee policy advisor for the Municipality of Rotterdam in order to implement changes in the organization and the city of Rotterdam.