Jesper Pronk

Try to find where your interests really lie before choosing which jobs to apply for.

Jesper Pronk

Alumnus International Bachelor Communication and Media

For which organisation are you currently employed and what is your job title?

RTL Nederland, Management Trainee

What main tasks do you perform?
During my traineeship of 18 months I will be working 6 months each for a different department within RTL. The first period I have worked as a project lead and data analyst at Videoland and RTL XL, RTL’s video on demand platforms. Working in multidisciplinary teams, I was responsible for setting up a new marketing project, managing a migration of a set of customers as well as analysing user behaviour, product features and A/B tests. Currently I am working as a data analyst at RTL Nieuws, the TV and online news department of RTL. Here I will be working towards better personalisation on our various online platforms by using the different data sources RTL has at its disposal as well as optimising user engagement. 

What made you decide to choose for a master (rather than immediately pursuing a career) after IBCoM?
Next to the expectation of employers in the Dutch Labour Market that you have completed a master degree, I also felt that it would better prepare myself for my future career if I had some more theoretical knowledge about my field of interest, in my case being Media & Business.

How long did it take for you to find a job after graduation? How did you find your job?
I already had a part-time job as a (social) media analyst during my studies, at which I could continue working during after completing my master. After that I quit that job to go on a three month-long trip to the other side of the world. Once I came back I started looking for jobs, leading to my application for the Management Traineeship at RTL a few weeks later, which ended up with me actually getting the job I wanted.

Is there a connection between what you have learned in IBCoM and your work? If so, how would you describe it?
Yes, there certainly is. I think IBCoM gave me a wide base of knowledge in the field of global communication and media, which combined with my own interest in the topic, still helps me in keeping up with market developments that are relevant for my current position at a major media company in a market that sits in the middle of vast (technological) disruption.

What advice would you give current IBCoM students about entering the labour market?
Try to find where your interests really lie before choosing which jobs to apply for. Does the company fit with your ideals and interests? Does the role give you enough opportunity to improve your skills and learn new things? Do you get responsibility for the work you deliver? If a job doesn’t feel right for whatever reason you can think of, it probably isn’t right for you at this early stage of your career. I don’t believe there’s something as a dream job, but I do think that working should be fun, so try to always keep that in mind!

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