Researcher profielen

  • dr. (Jean-William) JW P Laliberte

    dr. (Jean-William) JW P Laliberte
  • prof.dr. (Richard) R Paap

    Richard Paap is a professor of Econometrics at Econometric Institute, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE). He obtained his PhD from the same school in 1997.&nbsp…
    prof.dr. (Richard) R Paap
  • prof.dr. (Fred) GWC Paas

    Fred Paas is Professor and chair of the research group Educational and Developmental Psychology at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies of…
    prof.dr. (Fred) GWC Paas
  • dr. (Mikael) TEM Paaso

    dr. (Mikael) TEM Paaso
  • (Jimena) J Pacheco Miranda

    I am a development economics Ph.D. candidate at the International Institute of Social Sciences- Erasmus University of Rotterdam. My research interests rely in…
    (Jimena) J Pacheco Miranda
  • drs. (Alies) AT Padding

    drs. (Alies) AT Padding
  • (Chetana) C Pai

    (Chetana) C Pai
  • (Flora) F Palimetaki

    (Flora) F Palimetaki
  • drs. (Emma) EL Palsma

    drs. (Emma) EL Palsma

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