Researcher profielen

  • (Mehmet) M Day

    (Mehmet) M Day
  • prof.dr. (Emanuel) EG De Bellis

    prof.dr. (Emanuel) EG De Bellis
  • (Ruben) R de Boer

    (Ruben) R de Boer
  • (Julienne) J De Jesus Andrade

    (Julienne) J De Jesus Andrade
  • dr. (Freya) FGR De Keyzer

    dr. (Freya) FGR De Keyzer
  • dr. (Teresa) T De La Hera

    Teresa de la Hera is Assistant Professor of Persuasive Gaming at Erasmus University. Her expertise is particularly related to understanding how digital games…
    dr. (Teresa) T De La Hera
  • (Lee Anne) VLA de la Hunt

    (Lee Anne) VLA de la Hunt
  • (Bart) B De Langhe

    (Bart) B De Langhe
  • (Thomas) TLC De Lombaert, MSc

    (Thomas) TLC De Lombaert, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Tine) M De Moor

    Prof. Tine De Moor (°Ghent, 1975) holds a PhD in History from Ghent University (2003) and a postgraduate in Environmental Sciences at the University of Antwerp …
    prof.dr. (Tine) M De Moor

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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