Researcher profielen

  • (Lonneke) LCMM Weterings, MSc

    (Lonneke) LCMM Weterings, MSc
  • (Yaël) Y Weyburg

    (Yaël) Y Weyburg
  • prof.dr. (Ben) BNF White

    prof.dr. (Ben) BNF White
  • (Rio) R Widianto

    Rio Widianto is a PhD researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam. His PhD project is based on insights from…
    (Rio) R Widianto
  • (Paul) PM Wiegmann

    Paul Wiegmann is a PhD candidate at the Department of Technology and Operations Management. He conducts research about the impact of standards on innovation…
    (Paul) PM Wiegmann
  • (Elise) ED van der Wiel

    (Elise) ED van der Wiel
  • drs. (Siebert) ASJ Wielstra

    drs. (Siebert) ASJ Wielstra
  • (Berend) B Wierenga

    Berend Wierenga is Professor-Emeritus of Marketing at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). He has a PhD of Wageningen University, The… (Berend) B Wierenga
  • (Denis) DS Wiering

    (Denis) DS Wiering

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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